1. npm install ng2-datepicker –save
2. import in app.module.ts
import { NgDatepickerModule } from ‘ng2-datepicker’;
imports: [NgDatepickerModule]
3. import nelow in component.ts
import { DatepickerOptions } from ‘ng2-datepicker’;
import * as frLocale from ‘date-fns/locale/fr’;
4. Before constructore add below code:
date:any=new Date(Date.now());
options: DatepickerOptions = {
minYear: 1970,
maxYear: 2030,
displayFormat: ‘MMM D[,] YYYY’,
barTitleFormat: ‘MMMM YYYY’,
dayNamesFormat: ‘dd’,
firstCalendarDay: 0, // 0 – Sunday, 1 – Monday
locale: frLocale,
minDate: new Date(Date.now()), // Minimal selectable date
maxDate: new Date(Date.now()), // Maximal selectable date
barTitleIfEmpty: ‘Click to select a date’,
placeholder: ‘Click to select a date’, // HTML input placeholder attribute (default: ”)
addClass: ‘form-control’, // Optional, value to pass on to [ngClass] on the input field
addStyle: {}, // Optional, value to pass to [ngStyle] on the input field
fieldId: ‘my-date-picker’, // ID to assign to the input field. Defaults to datepicker-<counter>
useEmptyBarTitle: false, // Defaults to true. If set to false then barTitleIfEmpty will be disregarded and a date will always be shown
5. Add this in html file:
<ns:ng-datepicker [(ngModel)]=”date” />